At times it seems that all life in India is on the streets. Children, animals, horns attached to vehicles, rubbish, people, more people, colourful trucks, bikes, scooters, beggars, homeless, ‘untouchables’, tourist exploiters, pigeons, pigeon shit, holy cows, holy shit, just the one elephant, chai wallers, fried food stalls, bicycle repairers, repairers of almost anything, carts with fruit, carts with vegetables, carts with recyclable plastics, pigs, camels, rats, dogs, dead dogs, the odd cat, henna artists, shop display overflows, chewing tobacco salesmen, single cigarette salesmen, open air urinals, the odd female public toilet, men and women ignoring these facilities and squatting behind posts or any object, street sweepers with brooms made of reeds, bikes with milk churns, bikes with gas cylinders, bikes with blocks of ice, piles of bamboo scaffold poles,

....... and I even saw a snake charmer. 


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